pilot Mitarbeiter im Portrait bei einem kreativen Workshop

Social Media & Content Marketing

Yes, content is still king – but context is the crown!

Our service components at a glance

Content marketingTopic discoveryEditorial planningCorporate influencerSocial media strategyCommunity managementInfluencer partnershipsCommunity buildingSocial media analysisSocial advertisingSocial media analysisUser-generated contentPaid media

Yes, Content is still king – but context is crown! 

For us, social and content marketing isn’t just a supplement to the marketing mix – it’s the centerpiece. The “purpose,” “reason,” and “occasions” of brands and products, along with the context surrounding them, are what truly matter to your target audience. The right messages, blending entertainment, inspiration, and information, placed across channels and in the right contextual environments through paid media – that’s how we truly move people. 

Social? First! 

Social media has become the first stop for most people when they seek inspiration, entertainment, or information. Daily. For several hours at a time. This is where opinions are formed and decisions are made. With our team of social natives, we make your brand a credible part of your target audience’s digital daily life. And because trends and opinions in social media are constantly changing, our social natives strive to always be ahead and quickly leverage trends for your brand. 

Be. Always. On.

Social media and content marketing are a marathon, not a sprint: only brands that engage and participate will remain interesting, credible, and relevant to the target audience in the long run. That’s why the motto on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or online magazines is: Be. Always. On. And do so with topics rooted in the core of the brand. We consistently rely on data: in strategy, implementation, and media planning. With our live dashboards, your goals remain in focus and measurable at all times. And since we’re still talking to people, we continually optimize your content with the right editorial feel for current trends. 

Love your Community 

Social media thrives on interaction with the community. That’s why our community managers give your brand an approachable voice: to answer questions, to moderate, and of course, to continually spark new interactions with your brand. In other words: with us, your brand becomes as tangible to your target audience as a real person. 

Social Advertising

Sometimes a message needs to be conveyed directly and as concisely as possible. That’s why we also develop social ads with a classically promotional character that work instantly. Whether it’s a spectacular staging or a compact message – we make sure the ad’s core message is understood and activate the target audience with impactful calls to action. With live dashboards, we measure performance together and optimize on the fly. 

#Influencer #Creator #Celebs 

People crave personal communication, not generic phrases from anonymous senders. That’s why we do intensive matchmaking! Based on the content strategy, we find individuals who truly fit the context and your brand. Whether it’s user-generated content with strong media distribution, high-reach creators, or influential figures from your company – together, we find the perfect match and deliver optimal results far beyond meaningless KPIs like follower counts as potential reach. We promise.