pilot Mitarbeiter mit VR Brille im pilot XR-Lab

Brand experiences

We captivate your audience and bring your brand to life

Our service components at a glance

Digital signageVirtual realityAugmented realityInstallationsPOS marketingPOI marketingApplication developmentImmersive content

We create new pathways for your brand staging

With brand experiences, you go beyond mere brand communication: you make the brand tangible and experiential. Through innovative brand experiences, pilot brand brings your brand into direct contact with the target audience. Whether it’s interactive events, immersive installations, or personalized experiences – we create connections that last. Discover the possibilities for yourself and visit our pilot XRlab. 

More than just POS marketing
The future of brand experiences
Success through emotional connections
Your brand takes the spotlight

With innovative communication at the Point of Sale (POS), you not only capture your customers’ attention but also stage brand experiences. Digital screens as a form of POS marketing are just the beginning of technological and creative possibilities. From digital out-of-home advertising with virtual and augmented reality elements to flagship stores with their own brand experience world – pilot brand designs and realizes the Brand Experience for your unique brand staging. 

Our specialized digital communication solutions provider, pilot Screentime, demonstrates how advanced technologies and creative concepts come together to create impressive brand experiences. With innovative approaches like data-driven marketing, customer journey mapping, and custom event solutions, we ensure that your brand is not only seen but also felt and experienced. 

Through Brand Experiences, we create emotional connections that leave a lasting impression on your target audience. Our tailored solutions enable you to present your brand in a way that is authentic and memorable. With our expertise in digital signage and interactive installations, we set new standards in brand communication. 

At pilot brand, your brand takes center stage. We develop individual concepts perfectly aligned with your goals and target audience. From concept development to implementation and success measurement, we support you every step of the way. Together, we make your brand unmistakable. 

Portrait von Malte Mühlbrandt
“With brand experience, we take one step beyond traditional branding. We create holistic experiences that engage all the senses, making the brand truly come alive.”
Malte Mühlbrandt
Head of project management & software development
Portrait von Simon Werner
“My goal is for people to engage with all their senses when they interact with a brand, creating unforgettable experiences.”
Simon Werner
Creative director
Portrait von Robert Oestmann
“Immersive media is already being successfully implemented in various industries. It’s only a matter of time before it becomes standard in brand communication. In our XRlab, we present the latest developments in VR, MR and AR to customers and colleagues in order to promote innovation in this area.”
Robert Oestmann
Senior consultant social media advertising

Any questions? Please feel free to contact us.

Damian Rodgett

Managing Director